Unearth Art Therapy

Unearth Art Therapy is an art therapy practice providing addictions, trauma, and mental health services to individuals of all ages and abilities. This website has a booking feature for private and group art therapy sessions, as well as a gallery of client projects.

A screenshot of Unearth Art Therapy's portfolio of client art

One feature that is included is an interactive gallery of pieces completed by clients. Each piece includes a writeup about the themes explored by the client, as well as previews of other pieces in the series. The client wanted potential clients to get an inside view into what the creative process of art therapy looks like.

The branding of Unearth Therapy included rich earth-themed tones and textures. Raynefyre and the client collaborated on the design elements desired to create an inviting and grounded energy for potential clients. 

Styling elements for Raynefyre's design. Features multiple colours, fonts, and images on a black background.